A Neck lift corrects many of the signs of facial and neck ageing such as the vertical lines between your mouth and chin (marionette lines), jowls and loss of jaw and neck contours by supporting saggy tissues, tightening neck muscles and removing any excess skin.
In some men, this can be performed through a direct incision in the front of the neck which is closed with a zig zag pattern. The thicker hair bearing skin in men is best suited for this approach.
A more common approach involves placing an incision in front of the ear crease, round and behind the ear and into the hair line (as to disguise the scar). Through this incision there is undermining of the skin and also of the strong connective supportive tissue called the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) and neck muscle called the platysma. Another smaller incision is also placed under the chin behind the natural crease.
A Neck lift corrects many of the signs of facial and neck ageing such as the vertical lines between your mouth and chin (marionette lines), jowls and loss of jaw and neck contours by supporting saggy tissues, tightening neck muscles and removing any excess skin.
In some men, this can be performed through a direct incision in the front of the neck which is closed with a zig zag pattern. The thicker hair bearing skin in men is best suited for this approach.
A more common approach involves placing an incision in front of the ear crease, round and behind the ear and into the hair line (as to disguise the scar). Through this incision there is undermining of the skin and also of the strong connective supportive tissue called the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) and neck muscle called the platysma. Another smaller incision is also placed under the chin behind the natural crease.
The SMAS and platysma muscle are then secured and tightened with specialized internal supporting stitches and the skin of the lower face and neck is redraped and any excess skin is removed. Very fine soft specialized drains are placed in the wound to reduce the risk of fluid accumulations.
Under the chin, any excess fat is removed and the platysma muscle edges are stitched together.
Neck lifting is often performed in combination with a Face lift, browlift, blepharoplasty and other facial rejuvenation treatments such as skin resurfacing, chin liposuction and volume replacement with fat transfer.
A Neck lift is performed under general anaesthesia and if performed in isolation, can be performed as a day case operation which means you can go home the same day as the surgery.
What is the aim of Neck Lift surgery?
To soften the signs of facial ageing in the lower face and neck.
These signs include the vertical lines between your mouth and chin (marionette lines), jowls and loss of jaw and neck contours by supporting saggy tissues, tightening neck muscles and removing any excess skin.
The Neck lift supports saggy tissues, tightens neck muscles and removes any excess facial skin.
You are advised to bring younger photographs of yourself to your consultation with Dr Rory in order to discuss goals and act as a reference point.
How long will the results last?
As we become older our faces loose volume in terms of bony support and soft tissues. In addition, there is the constant effect of gravity.
These are some of the causes of the characteristic signs of facial ageing.
The results of a Neck lift will withstand time but the above factors will still have an ongoing ageing effect on the facial appearance and this must be taken into consideration. This effect varies from patient to patient and can be difficult to predict and so individual results do vary over time.
The most longstanding outcomes from facial rejuvenation are often in those who have had combination treatments.
Combination treatments and more extensive surgery has a longer recovery period but longer lasting results.
What happens on the day of surgery?
Prior to the day of surgery you will be given the following information and it is critical to know these details ahead of time:
On the day of surgery you will be checked in by a nurse and all your details will be confirmed and you will be changed into a surgical gown.
Dr Rory will see you before your surgery to run through all the details of the surgery, the consent forms as well as performing all your surgical markings. Multiple ID checks and procedure confirmation will be performed prior to your operation as safety is a priority.
After your surgery Dr Rory will notify your friends or family to let them know the procedure has finished and put their mind at ease. Depending on the procedure he will see you after the surgery and discuss the procedure.
When you are feeling comfortable, the team will then allow you to be discharged as planned that morning. All medicines and instructions will be given to you on your discharge.
How long will the surgery take?
If done in isolation, the surgery takes approximately two hours.
This does not include anaesthesia time. In total, the whole procedure may last longer.
Will the procedure be painful?
One of the primary aims of any procedure performed by Dr Rory is to create a pain free experience.
A long acting local anaesthetic agent is injected at the end of the procedure within the wound to make you comfortable.
In terms of recovery, there will be some tenderness in the surgical area and some discomfort as well as swelling in the face.
You may also experience a new sensation of tightness in your lower face and neck.
Dr Rory places a soft compression dressing and a very fine soft specialized drains in the wounds to reduce the risk of fluid accumulations and to keep you comfortable. These are removed at day two after surgery.
What is the recovery period?
This is a major procedure and so the recovery is two weeks.
During this time you can fully mobilise and are encouraged to walk around. In addition, you are advised to sleep with three to four pillows to elevate your head in order to further reduce swelling.
You should avoid bending over, strenuous activity or heavy lifting for two weeks.
What should I consider when recovering from the procedure?
Bulky dressings and drains are removed at day two, after which you can wash your hair carefully. Don not use a hair drier as your ability to feel the heat may be compromised.
All the stiches are removed at one week
There may be some numbness over the scalp, lower facial and neck area which returns over a few weeks to months and can start with the sensation of itching.
A slight overcorrection is always performed and so your final results are normally apparent at six months.
The final appearance of your scars will be at 18 months.
What is the cost of the procedure?
f performed alone, the cost of the procedure varies depending on the extent of the surgery but starts at 40,000 AED (excluding VAT).
The final cost is determined on a case by case basis dependent on complexity and additional procedures. Combination surgeries will lower the price of individual surgeries if done together.
A full surgical no-commitment consultation with Dr Rory will provide all the necessary details for your particular case.
What are the risks of the procedure?
These include some discomfort, infection, risk of bleeding, fluid collection called seroma swelling, asymmetry, ear lobe deformities, nerve injury with areas of numbness or muscle weakness, recurrence of signs of facial ageing and areas of hair loss or visible scars in the hairline.
Smokers face delayed wound healing and poorer quality scars generally from most surgeries. Dr Rory is therefore very strict when it comes to smoking and abdominoplasty surgery. You are advised to stop smoking two months before and after this surgery.
The results in terms of resolution of swelling will be at approximately two weeks. This varies between patients.
A slight overcorrection is always performed and so your final results are normally apparent at three months.
Anything in particularly important I should know about the procedure?
It is an artful and technically demanding procedure with high satisfaction rates if performed in the appropriate individuals.
It is most often performed with other facial rejuvenation techniques.
The scars are well hidden and Dr Rory aims to make you look as natural as possible. Therefore planning and discussing your goals with younger photographs at your consultation is critical.
What is the follow up after the procedure?
Each patient has a follow up schedule that is different.
You will be advised by Dr Rory and his team your particular follow up journey.
Typically it involves seeing the team at day two and a week after surgery for a wound check and removal of stitches.
Thereafter, scar checks are performed at the six week point. This schedule will differ between individuals.
Who is involved in my care?
Dr Rory is the primary physician in charge of all your care. He performs all procedures himself and is meticulous about every aspect of your care.
Once he has performed a procedure on you he is available for you as your on-call doctor.
He will provide you with contact details and will be available for you. If you have any questions or concerns at any time he is available to support you.
He has trained his team around him to an exceptionally high standard from his aesthetic coordinators to aesthetic nurses.
In some instances, for example, for photography, garment fitting, wound dressings, checks or removal of stitches, his highly trained team will perform the care liasing directly with Dr Rory with real time updates.