Liposuction is a surgical technique that allows areas of unwanted fat to be removed and thus allowing for the body to be sculpted in a process known as liposcultpting.
Liposuction is not a treatment for weight loss.
The technique involves placing small (4mm) incisions in hidden locations and injecting a specialized solution of fluid to expand any fatty deposits. A long metal tube called a cannula is placed through the small incisions and then is used to break the fat up.
Liposuction is a surgical technique that allows areas of unwanted fat to be removed and thus allowing for the body to be sculpted in a process known as liposcultpting.
Liposuction is not a treatment for weight loss.
The technique involves placing small (4mm) incisions in hidden locations and injecting a specialized solution of fluid to expand any fatty deposits. A long metal tube called a cannula is placed through the small incisions and then is used to break the fat up.
Thereafter a suction device is applied to the area to remove unwanted fat. Once the desired amount of fat is removed, the cannula is used to break up any existing fat to equalize fat distribution and smooth the liposuction area.
The two systems of liposuction used by Dr Rory are Bodyjet and Vaser liposuction.
Bodyjet Liposuction used water pressure to remove the fat and also protect the fat in order to allow the fat to be used for fat transfer.
Vaser (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction uses ultrasound energy to break and emulsify up the fat and also helps to tighten overlying skin. Fat from Vaser liposuction cannot be used for fat transfer as the cells have been damaged and the fat will not survive.
Both these systems help recovery by reducing bruising and swelling.
Liposuction is performed under general anaesthetic and can be conducted as a day surgery, meaning you go home the same day as the surgery.
What is the aim of Liposuction Surgery?
To naturally and modestly enhance the shape of your body by removing unwanted pockets of fat.
How long will the results last?
Interestingly, we all have a set number of fat depositing cells throughout our life. These calls are called adipocytes.
This means the results from liposuction will last forever if your weight remains stable.
If you do gain weight following liposuction, the area in which you have had the liposuction will be protected to a degree from fat deposits as a proportion of the adipocytes will have been removed.
However, with weight gain, areas of non-liposuction may deposit more of this fat. The fat has to be deposited somewhere in our bodies if our calorie intake exceeds calories burned.
Weight gain and weight loss will therefore effect the results of liposuction and so it is important to have a stable plateaued weight prior to and following surgery.
What happens on the day of surgery?
Prior to the day of surgery you will be given the following information and it is critical to know these details ahead of time:
On the day of surgery you will be checked in by a nurse and all your details will be confirmed and you will be changed into a surgical gown.
Dr Rory will see you before your surgery to run through all the details of the surgery, the consent forms as well as performing all your surgical markings. Your implant sizes will be once again confirmed. Multiple ID checks and procedure confirmation will be performed prior to your operation as safety is a priority.
After your surgery Dr Rory will notify your friends or family to let them know the procedure has finished and put their mind at ease. Depending of the procedure he will see you after the surgery and discuss the procedure.
When you are feeling comfortable, the team will then allow you to be discharged as planned that morning. All medicines, garments and instructions will be given to you on your discharge.
You will be discharged from hospital with a soft support garment which can differ depending on the areas that have undergone liposuction.
How long will the surgery take?
Depending on the degree of liposuction, the surgery time ranges between two to three hours.
This does not include anaesthesia time. In total, the whole procedure may last longer.
Will the procedure be painful?
One of the primary aims of any procedure performed by Dr Rory is to create a pain free experience.
The main sensation you will feel is that of tenderness, bruising and swelling in all the surgery sites.
A long acting local anaesthetic agent is placed into the surgical area at the end of the procedure. To make you comfortable a garment will be applied to help support the surgical areas also.
In terms of recovery, there will be some tenderness in the surgical area and some discomfort on movement.
Dr Rory does not used drains which again makes the procedure more comfortable
What is the recovery period?
This is a major procedure and so the recovery is one week, but this depends on the extent of the liposuction.
During this time you can fully use your arms and legs and are encourage to do so with care.
What should I consider when recovering from the procedure?
There will be a specialized skin glue place on all the small surgical incision areas and a splash proof dressing. This will allow you to shower with care from day one. The garment should be removed before showering.
No heavy exertional activity that will cause excessive sweating. However full mobilization is encouraged. Light cardio after day three is acceptable.
The specialized skin glue will peel off at week three to four. At this time, a silicone based strip or gel should be applied to the dry healed scar in order to minimize the final appearance of the scar.
The garment should be worn for four to six weeks after your surgery to help support your liposuction areas.
The final results in terms of shape will be at approximately four to six months.
At first there will be bruising and swelling, which then turns firm and you may feel hard lumps and persistent areas of tenderness. This is normal. This resolves over weeks and softens naturally, but the speed of resolution varies between patients.
Dr Rory advises either massaging yourself or obtaining a professional massage to aid lymphatic drainage to aid resoultion of firmness and swelling which is water retention due to the inflammation.
No swimming until all scars are fully healed at approximately four weeks.
The final appearance of your scars will be at eighteen months.
What is the cost of the procedure?
he cost of the procedure depends on the areas of liposuction.
The cost starts at 30,000 AED (excluding VAT).
The final cost is determined on a case by case basis dependent on complexity and additional procedures. Combination surgeries will lower the price of individual surgeries if done together.
A full surgical no-commitment consultation with Dr Rory will provide all the necessary details for your particular case.
What are the risks of the procedure?
These include some discomfort, infection, risk of bleeding, degrees of asymmetry, prolonged swelling, unevenness in the areas of liposuction.
With all liposuction cases there is always a risk of unevenness when fat is removed. This risk is minimised by using the Bodyjet and Vaser systems which allows for a smoother less aggressive fat removal which also means less bruising and swelling and a faster recovery compared to other systems.
There is also the risk of stretching of the scar and excessive scarring such as hypetrophic or keloid scarring.
Anything in particularly important I should know about the procedure?
It’s potentially a long procedure and if you are a good candidate for the very high satisfaction rates if you are willing to accept the small scarring and swelling, both of which will fade over time.
Final appearance takes approximately four to six months.
It is most commonly performed in conjunction with other body contouring surgeries and also fat transfer to other parts of the body such as the breasts or buttocks (Brazilian butt lift).
What is the follow up after the procedure?
Each patient has a follow up schedule that is different.
You will be advised by Dr Rory and his team about your particular follow up journey for your liposuction surgery.
Typically it involves seeing the team a week after surgery for a wound check, then protective dressings until the glue falls off.
Thereafter, scar checks are performed at the six week point. Follow appointments are then at four and twelve months. This schedule will differ between individuals.
Who is involved in my care?
Dr Rory is the primary physician in charge of all your care. He performs all procedures himself and is meticulous about every aspect of your care.
Once he has performed a procedure on you he is available for you as your on-call doctor.
He will provide you with contact details and will be available for you. If you have any questions or concerns at any time he is available to support you.
He has trained his team around him to an exceptionally high standard from his aesthetic coordinators to aesthetic nurses.
In some instances, for example, for photography, garment fitting, wound dressings, checks or removal of stitches, his highly trained team will perform the care liasing directly with Dr Rory with real time updates.