Breast implant removal involves the removal of existing breast implants. This can be for any of a number of reasons which may include capsular contraction, implant rupture, rippling or changes in the breast tissue or appearance. It can also be to change the implant surface texture (see breast implant capsular contraction). Breast implants in Dubai is one of the most frequently operations performed by Dr. Rory.
Typically, this can occur within the first fifteen years of the surgery but is highly variable and considered to be required far less frequently with the latest sixth generation Motiva implants. Indeed, there are many patients who have old style implants for longer than fifteen years with no problems whatsoever. Therefore, if in doubt its advised to have a consultation with Dr Rory.
Implants can be removed as a stand-alone procedure or combined with exchanging the implants (for a different size or brand and therefore surface texture) or a breast lift with or without an implant.
Depending on the reasons behind implant removal or exchange, the procedure may involve removal of the capsule that forms around the implant (capsulectomy) and creating a new implant pocket, which may involve placing the implant underneath your chest (pectoralis major) muscle.
Thereafter, the breast implant procedure involves the surgical placement of a correctly sized Motiva silicone breast implant to enhance the volume and shape of the breast. This can be performed through the same small incision in the fold underneath the breast (this is called the inframammary fold). If a breast lift is planned this would involve more scarring. Please see the breast lift.
Other techniques can be used to enhance the breast volume and shape and include using fat transfer with fat taken using Bodyjet liposuction from elsewhere. This section will however focus on the use of breast implants. It is important to remember these techniques can also be combined.
Breast implant removal involves the removal of existing breast implants. This can be for any of a number of reasons which may include capsular contraction, implant rupture, rippling or changes in the breast tissue or appearance. It can also be to change the implant surface texture (see breast implant capsular contraction). Breast implants in Dubai is one of the most frequently operations performed by Dr. Rory.
Typically, this can occur within the first fifteen years of the surgery but is highly variable and considered to be required far less frequently with the latest sixth generation Motiva implants. Indeed, there are many patients who have old style implants for longer than fifteen years with no problems whatsoever. Therefore, if in doubt its advised to have a consultation with Dr Rory.
Implants can be removed as a stand-alone procedure or combined with exchanging the implants (for a different size or brand and therefore surface texture) or a breast lift with or without an implant.
Depending on the reasons behind implant removal or exchange, the procedure may involve removal of the capsule that forms around the implant (capsulectomy) and creating a new implant pocket, which may involve placing the implant underneath your chest (pectoralis major) muscle.
Thereafter, the breast implant procedure involves the surgical placement of a correctly sized Motiva silicone breast implant to enhance the volume and shape of the breast. This can be performed through the same small incision in the fold underneath the breast (this is called the inframammary fold). If a breast lift is planned this would involve more scarring. Please see the breast lift.
Other techniques can be used to enhance the breast volume and shape and include using fat transfer with fat taken using Bodyjet liposuction from elsewhere. This section will however focus on the use of breast implants. It is important to remember these techniques can also be combined.
The breast implant procedure in Dubai is performed under a general anaesthetic and if done alone, is a day case operation, which means you go home the same day as your surgery.
The most critical part of breast implant removal surgery is the planning that goes into the implant replacement (if performed) and preoperation measurments during the consultation. During this process, Dr Rory will lead a detailed discussion of your concerns, current size and expectations in detail. It is also very helpful to know your existing implant type and dimensions.
He will only ever consider treating patients who desire natural and proportional results. He will describe the most appropriate implant types and also the positioning of the implant in relation to your pectoralis major muscle. During your examination, your current starting breast size (and implant size if known), shape and nipple/areola position are considered.
Your breasts are accurately measured and Motiva breast implant sizers are used to help decide on the most appropriate size. Further details on your potential end results are obtained using specialized 3-D Crisalix imaging.
Dr Rory will see you as many times as is necessary for you to feel comfortable with your decision over breast implant sizes and planned procedures. The final implant size is chosen by you with medical advice provided by Dr Rory.
What is the aim of the breast implant removal or exchange surgery?
To removal or exchange existing breast implants for any number of reasons which may include:
How long will the results last?
There are changes in the breasts, areolar and nipples with age, pregnancy and breast feeding. Therefore, surgery timing should be considered carefully if a pregnancy is planned.
The results of breast implant removal or exchange surgery will withstand over time if appropriately sized implants are used and the fold underneath the breast is maintained but the above factors will inevitably have effects on the tissues over time.
It is also important to remember the constant effect of gravity will naturally cause a breast drooping effect (ptosis) over time. This varies from patient to patient and can be difficult to predict.
What happens on the day of surgery?
Prior to the day of surgery you will be given the following information and it is critical to know these details ahead of time:
On the day of surgery you will be checked in by a nurse and all your details will be confirmed and you will be changed into a surgical gown.
Dr Rory will see you before your surgery to run through all the details of the surgery, the consent forms as well as performing all your surgical markings. Your implant sizes will be once again confirmed. Multiple ID checks and procedure confirmation will be performed prior to your operation as safety is a priority.
After your surgery Dr Rory will notify your friends or family to let them know the procedure has finished and put their mind at ease. Depending of the procedure he will see you after the surgery and discuss the procedure.
When you are feeling comfortable, the team will then allow you to be discharged as planned that morning. All medicines and instructions will be given to you on your discharge .You will be discharged from hospital with a soft non-underwired sports like surgical support bra.
How long will the surgery take?
If breast implants are removed in isolation, the surgery takes approximately thirty minutes. Additional procedures will take more time.
This does not include anaesthesia time. In total, the whole procedure may last longer.
Will the procedure be painful?
One of the primary aims of any procedure performed by Dr Rory is to create a pain free experience. The main sensation you will feel is that of pressure in the chest due to the extra weight, especially when lying flat.
A long acting local anaesthetic agent is placed into the surgical area at the end of the procedure. To make you comfortable a garment will be applied to help support your new breast size.
In terms of recovery, there will be some tenderness in the surgical area and some discomfort on movement.
Dr Rory does not used drains which again makes the procedure more comfortable
What is the recovery period?
This is a major procedure and so the recovery is five days, even for placement of the implant underneath the muscle.
During this time you can fully use your arms and are encourage to do so with care. The golden rule is no heavy lifting for one month following the surgery.
What should I consider when recovering from the procedure?
There will be a specialized skin glue place on the surgical area and a splash proof dressing. This will allow you to shower with care. The garment should be removed before showering.
No heavy exertional activity that will cause excessive sweating. No jerking chest or arm movements in the first seven days. The golden rule is no heavy lifting for one month following the surgery.
The specialized skin glue will peel off at week three to four. At this time, a silicone based strip or gel should be applied to the dry healed scar in order to minimize the final appearance of the scar.
The garment should be worn for four to six weeks after your breast augmentation.
The final results in terms of shape will be at approximately four months. At first, your breasts will appear fuller at the top and firmer. Over four months, the breasts have softened and become more natural looking (dropped and fluffed).
As you attend your wound check appointments you will see the skin glue as purple and very often the skin can appear gathered. This gathering of the skin will flatten over time.
No swimming until all scars are fully healed at approximately four weeks.
The final appearance of your scars will be at eighteen months.
What is the cost of the breast implant removal?
If breast implant removal is performed alone, the cost of the procedure starts at 30,000 AED (excluding VAT).
If they are exchanged, this procedure has many variations and complexities, as such, the cost of the procedure starts at 50,000 AED (excluding VAT).
The final cost is determined on a case by case basis dependent on complexity and additional procedures. Combination surgeries will lower the price of individual surgeries if done together.
A full surgical no-commitment consultation with Dr Rory will provide all the necessary details for your particular case and comprehensive implant size planning.
What are the risks of the procedure?
These include some discomfort, infection, nipple sensation change, risk of bleeding, degrees of asymmetry, capsular contracture and implant rupture and rippling.
Your nipple sensation may increase or decrease, and each side may act independently. Sensation recovers over time. This varies between patients.
If there is an infection around the implant, this necessitates removal of the implant. Dr Rory avoids this at all costs by using a no touch implant insertion using a Keller Funnell, a specialized antibiotic solution around the implant and in the breast. You will also be given antibiotics after the surgery for one week.
If there is bleeding around the implant, this will present as marked swelling in the first few hours following the surgery. This requires a return to the operating theatre to stop the bleeding. This is very very rare and again avoided as meticulous attention is paid during the procedure to reduce any areas of potential bleeding.
The Motiva implants have been designed to reduce the risk of capsular contracture, rupture and also rippling.
There is also the risk of stretching of the scar and excessive scarring such as hypetrophic or keloid scarring.
Anything in particularly important I should know about the procedure?
It’s a straightforward procedure with very high satisfaction rates if you are willing to accept the scarring which will fade over time.
The key to the procedure is planning implant size.
Final appearance takes approximately four to six months.
It is most commonly performed in conjunction with other body contouring surgeries.
What is the follow up after the procedure?
Each patient has a follow up schedule that is different.
You will be advised by Dr Rory and his team your particular follow up journey.
Typically it involves seeing the team a week after surgery for a wound check, then protective dressings until the glue falls off.
Thereafter, scar checks are performed at the six week point. Follow appointments are then at four and twelve months. This schedule will differ between individuals.
Who is involved in my care?
Dr Rory is the primary physician in charge of all your care. He performs all procedures himself and is meticulous about every aspect of your care.
Once he has performed a procedure on you he is available for you as your on-call doctor.
He will provide you with contact details and will be available for you. If you have any questions or concerns at any time he is available to support you.
He has trained his team around him to an exceptionally high standard from his aesthetic coordinators to aesthetic nurses.
In some instances, for example, for photography, garment fitting, wound dressings, checks or removal of stitches, his highly trained team will perform the care liasing directly with Dr Rory with real time updates.