Bruxism Treatment involves the strategic injection of the product known as BTA to reduce teeth grinding and clenching. Dr Rory uses BTA because of its long history of safety and extensive scientific evidence.
The medical preparation of this toxin has tiny amounts of the active agent (in the form of a purified protein derived from the bacteria) that strategically block nerve signals to muscles, thereby relaxing treated muscle responsible for the grinding and clenching. This muscle is called the masseter.
Your suitability for this treatment will be determined during a full face assessment no-commitment consultation with Dr Rory and he will provide all the necessary details for your particular case.
Bruxism Treatment involves the strategic injection of the product known as BTA to reduce teeth grinding and clenching. Dr Rory uses BTA because of its long history of safety and extensive scientific evidence.
The medical preparation of this toxin has tiny amounts of the active agent (in the form of a purified protein derived from the bacteria) that strategically block nerve signals to muscles, thereby relaxing treated muscle responsible for the grinding and clenching. This muscle is called the masseter.
Your suitability for this treatment will be determined during a full face assessment no-commitment consultation with Dr Rory and he will provide all the necessary details for your particular case.
All treatments are performed in the luxurious state of the art treatment rooms within the clinic either on the day of consultation or after a period of reflection following consultation. The choice is entirely yours.
No formal anaesthesia is required but you may choose to have some topical anaesthesia (numbing cream applied). Dr Rory has a number of other techniques to make your injection experience as comfortable as possible.
Many patients have their treatment and return to work or normal activities that same day with no downtime.
What is the aim of Bruxism treatment?
To reduce the symptoms associated teeth clenching and grinding.
You will also notice a reduction in the bulk of the masseter chewing muscle and therefore a jawline narrowing effect.
How many injections do I need?
There will be three small injection both sides but the total dose is the variable
This is can very variable and is determined during your full face assessment consultation with Dr Rory. It depends on the bulk of the masseter muscle and the severity of the symptoms being treated and the desired effect and also differs between men and women.
Typically the dosages range from 30-60 units in total. This is highly variable between individuals.
How long will the results last?
The neurotoxin acts to block specialised receptors on muscles that receive the nerve signals. This accounts for the muscle relaxing and bulk reducing effect.
The body will start to rebuild these receptors and the speed with which this happens obviously depends on the dose of injection but also the muscle and nerve biology of each individual.
With reference to masseter treatment, this can take anytime from six to twelve months. This means most individuals can expect movement and therefore symptoms and muscle bulk returning slowly at about the six month mark and repeat treatments before eight months have elapsed is recommended if you want to maintain the effect.
What happens on the day of consultation ?
On the day of consultation Dr Rory will obtain a full medical history assessing your suitability for the treatment and perform a full facial assessment and explain which areas of your face can be treated and why.
It is important to appreciate masseter injections are not suitable for all patients. They are considered unsafe if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, suffer from certain neurological diseases, have an allergy to human albumin and also if certain medications are being taken. This will be explained during the consultation process.
If you are suitable, he will then run through the process of consent and injection techniques with you if you are having injections for the first time.
You can choose to have your injections that same day or choose to think about your options and return another day.
If you do choose to go ahead, clinical photographs will be taken and you will be checked in by a nurse to the treatment room and given consent information to read and sign. All your details will be confirmed with you. Your makeup is removed and numbing cream may be applied if you wish and after a period of time this is cleaned off and your skin is further prepared.
The injections themselves take no more than five minutes and a number of techniques are employed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. You are then given post injection instructions and can be discharged when you are feeling comfortable and ready to go.
How long will the treatment take?
If done in isolation, the antiwrinkle injections take just five minutes.
This does not include anaesthesia time. In total, the whole procedure may last longer if numbing cream is used.
Will the procedure be painful?
No, one of the primary aims of any procedure performed by Dr Rory is to create a pain free experience and you have the option of having numbing cream.
Other techniques are also employed to make your experience as comfortable as possible.
In terms of recovery, there may be some very mild tenderness in the injection areas on the day but this is minimized by applying a cold compress after the treatment.
What is the recovery period?
This is essentially a lunchtime treatment and there is no recovery period.
There is always a theoretical risk of bruising as a very small guage needle is being introduced to the skin. There may be some discomfort chewing for the first two weeks or so, as other chewing muscles may work harder to compensate.
What should I consider when recovering from the procedure?
The effects of the treatment will start to be apparent from six weeks onwards and the maximum effect is at approximately two months. This is when your review appointment will be conducted.
Any judgements on the treatment outcome should be left until this time and any adjustments can be made at this important clinic appointment.
If you are entirely happy and are very experienced with masseter injections, then there is no need to attend this review appointment and just book your repeat treatment at your normal interval.
What is the cost of the treatment?
The cost of the treatment is based on the number of units used. Each unit is priced at 50 AED (excluding VAT).
Therfore, as an example, if 50 units are used the price is 2,000 AED (excluding VAT).
The final cost is determined on a case by case basis dependent on complexity and additional procedures. Combination treatments may lower the price of individual treatments if done together.
A full face no-commitment consultation with Dr Rory will provide all the necessary details for your particular case.
What are the risks of the treatment?
These include some discomfort on chewing, infection, risk of bleeding, bruising, bulging of superficial muscle.
Anything in particularly important I should know about the treatment?
It’s a quick and simple procedure requiring no downtime with very high satisfaction rates and Dr Rory will tailor your treatment to your needs.
It is the very effective at reducing your grinding and clenching related symptoms.
What is the follow up after the treatment?
Typically it involves seeing Dr Rory approximately two months following your masster injection for review.
If you are entirely happy and are very experienced with these treatments, then there is no need to attend this review appointment and just book your repeat treatment at your normal interval
Who is involved in my care?
Dr Rory is the primary physician in charge of all your care. He performs all procedures himself and is meticulous about every aspect of your care.
Once he has performed a procedure on you he is available for you as your on-call doctor.
He will provide you with contact details and will be available for you. If you have any questions or concerns at any time he is available to support you.
He has trained his team around him to an exceptionally high standard from his aesthetic coordinators to aesthetic nurses.